Post by Bert CoulesDeb, thanks for that. The problem I have with the story is this: I can
imagine a witty tenor coming out with the line full-pelt at a rehearsal, and
I can picture him whispering it to a nearby chorus member in performance. But
the standard version of the tale has Lohengrin *turning to the audience* and
asking his question - and that I find very hard indeed to swallow.
I think Deb is right. I heard that story too, years and years ago. I
believe it to be typical singers inside story, where the swan not only
stands for Lohengrin, but you can actually understand as: when will be
the next staging of Lohengrin, and where? And it sounds witty in
Similar to that is the story of a famous Dutch female singer, Aafje
Heynis, particularly famous for singing in Bach's Matthew Passion, who
almost almost always after the performance said, "Well, he hangs
again!" Sounds cynical, but it is an inside joke.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Herman van der Woude
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